Police Inspector Devi Prasad Poudel has been removed from his post of in-charge at the Metropolitan Police Division in Bhaisepati after a video of him mercilessly beating a woman carrying a baby went viral.

Chief of Metropolitan Police Range, Lalitpur SSP Tek Prasad Rai told media that Poudel has been transferred to Jawalakhel.

“The committee headed by SP Durga Singh is investigating the case,” said SSP Rai adding, “Inspector Sujit Ojha has been appointed as the new in-charge at the Bhaisepati Division.”

On Thursday, Poudel had charged baton to disperse a crowd gathered at a dispute between a retired aide from Nepal Army Hem Khatri and a woman named Mala Shah.

Poudel had indiscriminately beaten Hema Shrestha, who calls herself an activist, in a bid to disperse the crowd who had reached Khatri’s residence demanding justice. Shrestha was carrying a baby when she was assaulted.

Poudel, however, clarified that he had used normal force after the women entered the house and created ruckus.

The committee formed to investigate the case will prepare a report by Tuesday, on the basis of which action against Poudel will be taken.