Dev Kumari Parajuli is one amongst thousands who live with a disability in Kathmandu. Dev Kumari, who is also a member of the National Federation of the Disabled in Nepal shared examples of how the lack of accessible toilets in the valley, and in the nation, diminishes her right to a dignified life.
“Every morning, I have to plan what to eat,” she began her story of physical and mental anguish. “I cannot drink too much and have to monitor my solid food intake just in case I might have to use a facility en route. Such problems are not just limited to me, but to thousands of people living with a disability. Can you imagine the discomfort of having to remain hungry an entire day because of the lack of public facilities?”
Dev Kumari Parajuli also tells us that like everyone else, she would like to go to a restaurant, have a nice time with her friends, and enjoy some good food. But yet again, toilets prevent her from doing so.
One of the most helpless Devi has ever felt is when she fell inside a toilet. Today, she leads an active life, and tries her best to not allow her disability to prevent her from doing her work – but sometimes lack of accessible toilets makes a difference.
She thinks Kathmandu needs to make lots of improvements in terms of accessibility – be it in providing accessible toilets, facilitating disabled-friendly public transport, and construction of ramps to allow ease of mobility.
Devi Acharya,
Chairman, Nepal Spinal Cord Injury Sports Association
#TalkToilet #CharpikoKura #AawaajNews