The Kathmandu District Court pronounced cricketer Sandeep Lamichhane guilty in a rape case on Friday, with Judge Shishir Raj Dhakal delivering the verdict after extensive debates between the legal representatives of both the victim and the accused.

The case unfolded when a teenage girl filed a police complaint against Lamichhane, who was then the captain of the Nepali national cricket team, on September 6, 2022. The victim accused Lamichhane of raping her in a hotel in Tilganga on August 21. Subsequently, the police registered the complaint, leading to an investigation.

Lamichhane was arrested upon his return to Tribhuvan Airport on October 6th.

Despite the charges, Lamichhane was released from prison on January 12 after the Patan High Court granted him bail of 20 lakhs. Notably, he resumed playing in international competitions for the Nepalese team after his release.

During the court proceedings, both the public prosecutor and the victim’s lawyer presented their arguments, followed by a counter-argument from Lamichhane’s legal team. The victim, identified as Gaushala 26, also had the opportunity to share her perspective.

Following these deliberations, Judge Dhakal found Lamichhane guilty. The sentencing is yet to be determined.