Hari Budha Magar created the world record of being the first ‘double amputee above the knees’ after successfully climbing the world’s highest peak Mt Everest on Friday.
“After making rounds of acclimatization rotations above the base camp, Budha Magar stood atop the highest peak of the world on May 19,” the expedition organizing team informed via a statement on Saturday evening.
Former British Gurkha soldier Magar climbed the mountain with the help of prosthetic legs after 5 years of efforts, including successfully climbing other peaks.
Magar, born in Mirul Village of Rolpa district, served in the British Army’s Gurkha Regiment for 15 years and lost both his legs above the knee in 2010 during the war in Afghanistan.
Magar informed that he aims to change perceptions on disability and inspire people to climb their own ‘mountains’.
“If I can climb to the top of the world then anyone, regardless of their disability, can achieve their dream. No matter how big your dreams are or how challenging your disability is, with the right mindset, anything is possible,” Magar said.
The expedition team is currently heading back to Everest Base Camp, according to the statement.