The National Federation of the Disabled Nepal’s report said that 67 per cent of women with disabilities have become survivors of violence of various sorts, but only 16 per cent reported to the authorities concerned.

These survivors of violence are looked down upon compared to normal women, said the report.

The report was made public via virtual conference yesterday by the Ministry of Women, Children and Senior Citizens and the NFDN on the occasion of the 29th International Day of Persons with Disabilities.

The event was themed ‘State of access to justice for persons with disabilities in the context of disabled women suffering various types of violence.’ On the occasion, NFDN Vice-president Rama Dhakal said more than 10 per cent of women with disabilities had been victims of violence compared to women with no disability.

She called for positive interventions from the authorities concerned to stop such crimes and take action against perpetrators.

“There are misconceptions surrounding disabled women such as they cannot be loved and cared for. They cannot get married and their libido is weak. Such wrong mindset should be eradicated through social awareness and laws,” she argued.

Stating that lack of 33 per cent participation of women in all state organs had posed challenges to social justice, Secretary of the National Women Commission Shanta Adhikari Bhattarai said the Commission was trying to bring respite to women with disabilities.

“Despite our efforts to ensure rights of persons with disabilities and end violence against women, the situation has not improved” said NFDN President Mitra Lal Sharma.

The theme of the Day this year in Nepal is ‘Ensuring Best Revival after COVID-19: Our Collective Commitment to Access and Sustainable Development for People with Disability’.

There are approximately 500,000 persons living with disabilities in the country.