The Minister for Health and Population Hridayesh Tripathi said that the government would not enforce a lockdown despite a rise in coronavirus cases in recent days.

Since many people are in fear that there might be another lockdown if the cases starts rising rapidly, the Health Minister, speaking at Nepal Health Conclave on Tuesday, stated that the possibility of a lockdown in the near future is highly doubtful.

“Nepal Government will undertake necessary measures to prevent further spread of coronavirus to avoid the need for another pandemic lockdown,” Minister Tripathi said, adding, “Despite the lockdown cutting down the rate of spread of the infection, its adverse effect on people and the economy cannot be ignored.”

He further shared that antigen testing on border entry points have begun keeping in mind the rapid increase in coronavirus cases in neighbouring country India.

However, he alerted the people to remain vigilant, careful, and to adapt necessary protocol to reduce the spread of coronavirus.

Earlier on Monday, Minister Tripathi, addressing the House of Representatives, had stated that the count of daily reported cases of COVID-19 in the country could reach yet another high around June, if not taken proper measures.