The Department of National ID and Civil Registration (DoNIDCR) has mandated the provision of National Identification Numbers (NIN) at the time of birth registration.

Effective immediately, Nepali citizens under the age of 16 will be issued birth registration certificates integrated with a national identity number.

The circular issued by the DoNIDCR directs local bodies and Nepali diplomatic missions worldwide to adhere to this new regulation, ensuring the inclusion of NIN in birth registration certificates.

Citing the National Identity Card and Vital Registration Act of 2076 BS, local registrars are mandated to coordinate with the DoNIDCR for the allocation of identity numbers during birth registration.
As of March 10, 2024, all births of Nepali citizens under 16 years of age must be accompanied by a birth registration certificate inclusive of a national identity number.

Furthermore, in adherence to the Act and the National Identity Card and Civil Registration Regulation of 2077 BS, Nepali diplomatic missions have initiated the registration process for personal events such as births and deaths.

Nepali embassies worldwide, including those in Beijing, Tokyo, Paris, Doha, Madrid, London, Canberra, Washington DC, Berlin, Kuala Lumpur, Riyadh, Seoul, Abu Dhabi, Bangkok, and Ottawa, have commenced registration services.