The Patan High Court has ruled in favor of releasing former Home Minister Bal Krishna Khand, who was held in custody in connection with alleged involvement in sending Nepalis to the United States under the guise of fake Bhutanese refugees.

Chief Justice Krishna Ram Koirala issued the order on Wednesday, mandating Khand’s release on bail set at NPR 3 million.

The decision follows a series of deliberations, with the bench ultimately delivering its third justice’s verdict in favor of granting bail, resolving differences in opinions among the justices.

Previously, the Court had ordered bail for Bal Krishna Khadka’s secretary, Narendra Keshi, and refugee leader Tek Nath Rijal in the counterfeit Bhutanese refugee case. Sandeep Rayamazhi, the son of former Deputy Prime Minister Top Bahadur Rayamazhi, was also released on 3 million rupees bail.

The court cited a lack of confirmation of an offense for Rayamazhi and considered Rijal’s ‘non-cooperation’ argument in the human trafficking allegations.